our team
Our team of volunteers are what makes Great Pyrenees Rescue of Missouri successful. Without their contributions, we would not be able to help or give many of these dogs a second chance.

Linda & Ken
Owners and founders of Great Pyrenees Rescue of Missouri. When Ken said 3 dogs was the limit, Linda decided it was time to start a rescue group so she could help as many dogs as she possibly could. Linda is the heart of this rescue group and they both work endlessly to do the most they can for dogs in need.
In 2015 I adopted my first 8 week old Pyrenees/Golden Retriever from Petfinder and had no idea what I had gotten myself into! I immediately started training and socializing Finn and began Therapy Dog training when she was old enough. My girl is now 5 years old and a wonderful therapy dog & my boy is a 3 year old love bug. I was lead to Linda and this rescue in 2019 when I was helping someone who could not afford care for her Pyrenees. I was a recently retired nurse looking for a way to help those in need in addition to my therapy dog visits with my own Pyr & it was a natural fit. I have learned a lot about this breed over the years & working with the rescue as Medical Coordinator has taught me even more. It is truly a labor of love!

I fell in love with Great Pyrenees in 2017 when I rescued my first Great Pyrenees puppy, Zeke. I had no idea how many hundreds were in need in our country until then and set out to make a difference. I have two males, Zeke and Murphy (Murphy was a foster fail!) and they are the love of my life! As Director for GP Rescue of Missouri I wear many hats. One of my roles is to communicate with owners requesting to surrender their dogs to rescue. When we don’t have an open foster home, I try to find placement for the dog(s) with other rescues. I also write bios for our dogs and list them for adoption, speak with potential adopters and help find the right dog for their lifestyle, and coordinate transports. I am blessed to be part of such an amazing and compassionate team!

I've been an animal lover all of my life and if my home was as big as my heart, I would have room for them all! The next best thing I can do to help animals in need is by volunteering and fostering, which I have been doing for the past couple of years. I've been fostering for GPR exclusively since 2019 and love being able to give these dogs a safe space to become the dogs they were meant to be. I've also been lucky enough to be able to put my skills to use and design the GPR website!

I've been rescuing wildlife since I was 7. I started working with dogs in my teens and now have 40+ years of experience working with them. I've always related to animals better than humans! ​
My main role with GPR is tracking, trapping and working with dogs that have issues. I deal primarily with the dogs that have been lost, abandoned, and/or abused. I work with the dogs daily to help them overcome their issues. At my place they can decompress, relax, get over their fears and learn to be a well balanced dog again who is ready for a new home!